Beauty Tips For Bad Days

We all have days where we feel (and look) a little bit below par. Even the most naturally beautiful women. Days where we wish we could just hide away and not have to grace anyone with our spotty, tired looking face.

All About Aromatherapy Oils

To me, there are few things as relaxing as enjoying a hot bath scented with beautiful smelling oils. Lots of bathing and shower products contain essential oils which are extracted from natural sources such as flowers, fruits, leaves, bark and other plant parts.

Keeping Fit With Ballet

In recent years, there's been quite a few different fitness crazes that myself and my friends have taken part in - zumba and pole fitness to name a few. But one which none of us (to my knowledge) have tried is ballet.

The Artistry Of Makeup

In a previous post, I talked about whether the beauty industry and the professionals that work within it were taken seriously enough. In this post, I would like to continue on that theme and talk about whether makeup should actually be considered an art form.